Trees are valuable assets in any garden or landscape, providing shade, beauty, and environmental benefits. However, there are times when tree felling becomes necessary, especially when a tree poses a risk to property, safety, or surrounding plant life. At NS Tree Surgery Egham, we understand the importance of timely intervention when it comes to tree felling in Egham, Surrey. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the key warning signs that indicate when tree felling should be prioritised and why it’s essential to act quickly in these situations.

Why Tree Felling Can Be Urgent

Tree felling is often viewed as a last resort, but in some cases, it becomes unavoidable. Factors such as disease, structural instability, or severe weather damage can compromise a tree’s health and safety. Ignoring these warning signs can lead to property damage, injury, or even more extensive tree loss. By recognising the signs early, you can prevent potential hazards and keep your property safe.

Warning Signs That Indicate Urgent Tree Felling

  1. Visible Leaning or Structural Imbalance

One of the most obvious signs that a tree may need to be felled urgently is if it starts to lean significantly. A slight lean is natural for some trees, but if a previously upright tree begins to tilt or shows a sudden shift in its angle, it could be a sign of root damage or instability. Trees leaning towards buildings, roads, or pathways are particularly concerning, as they pose a direct risk to safety.

  1. Large Dead Branches or Decay

Dead or decaying branches are a clear indication that a tree’s health is declining. If a significant portion of the tree is dead or shows signs of rot, it may no longer be structurally sound. Large, dead branches are prone to breaking off during storms or strong winds, which can lead to property damage or injury. In such cases, tree felling may be the safest option to prevent unexpected accidents.

  1. Root Damage or Decay

The roots are the foundation of any tree, anchoring it securely and providing essential nutrients. If you notice signs of root decay, such as fungal growth at the base of the tree, exposed roots, or soft, spongy ground around the trunk, the tree’s stability is likely compromised. Trees with damaged roots are at a high risk of toppling, especially in adverse weather conditions, making immediate removal necessary.

  1. Cracks in the Trunk or Major Splitting

Cracks or splits in the trunk are serious red flags that should not be ignored. These fissures weaken the structural integrity of the tree, increasing the likelihood of it breaking apart. If the cracks are deep or extend along a large portion of the trunk, it’s a clear indication that the tree may fail at any moment. Professional assessment and urgent felling may be required to mitigate the risk.

  1. Signs of Severe Disease or Infestation

Diseases and infestations can quickly spread throughout a tree, leading to its decline. Common signs include discoloured or wilting leaves, extensive bark damage, or the presence of insects such as beetles or caterpillars. If a tree is severely infected or infested, it may not only be a danger to itself but could also threaten the health of nearby trees. Removing the affected tree promptly helps contain the problem and protect the surrounding landscape.

Why Choose NS Tree Surgery Egham for Urgent Tree Felling?

At NS Tree Surgery Egham, we specialise in identifying and safely removing trees that pose a risk to your property. Our team of experienced tree surgeons is trained to assess tree health, provide expert advice, and carry out felling operations with minimal disruption. We use the latest equipment and techniques to ensure that the job is done efficiently and safely, protecting both your property and the environment.


Recognising the warning signs of a failing tree is crucial to preventing accidents and maintaining a safe environment around your property. If you’ve noticed any of the signs mentioned above, it’s time to consult a professional tree surgeon. Ignoring these indicators can lead to costly damage or serious safety hazards. If you’re in Egham, Surrey, and need urgent tree felling services, contact NS Tree Surgery Egham today.

Don’t wait until it’s too late—let us help you keep your property safe with expert tree care solutions.

This is a photo of an operative from NS Tree Surgery Egham up a ladder rested on a hedge with a petrol strimmer.